Happy Anniversary!

July, 2021

\ ˈlan-ˌyap , lan-ˈyap \
: a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase; broadly : something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure

Moonlit Aurora, Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park, Maine

Happy Anniversary to Acadia Financial Services!

Mary and I are thrilled to celebrate the first anniversary of Acadia!  We struck out on our own to launch a special firm for some very special Clients.  To help celebrate our first year, we would like to highlight three areas:

1. First-year stats

2. Acadia Freedom

3. The Future

NOTE:  I chose the photo above because it makes me think of a heavenly version of Independence Day fireworks.

First-year Stats

When we first opened the doors (virtually) on Independence Day last year, I was confident we would at least survive our first year.  We didn't just survive, we thrived!  Here are a few statistics from our first year:

  • Added 32 Clients (54 including children), to the Acadia family
  • Managed nearly $3 million in assets across 50 accounts
  • Advised an additional $18 million in assets
  • Opened 18 college accounts (529) that hold over $200,000 in assets
  • Completed our first tax prep services in a very challenging tax season
  • Posted 300+ financial articles on LinkedIn
  • Supported three transformative ministries (see below)
  • Hosted hundreds (seriously) of Zoom meetings!

Wow!  What an incredible first year.  You've kept us busy and productive, and we look forward to serving you in our second year.

Acadia Freedom

We founded Acadia with a focus on freedom.  We even intentionally delayed our virtual "opening" until Independence Day as a clear marker of our freedom-focused mindset.

When we discuss freedom with Clients, they initially think about financial freedom.  What greater goal could there be when engaging a financial advisor?  So, we focus on this goal for everyone through our long-term, comprehensive approach. 

However, not everyone experiences the same level of freedom that we enjoy.  Unfortunately, there are many people around the world and in our country who are enslaved either literally or spiritually.  One of the very unique features of this firm is our financial support of three ministries that work to bring freedom to people around the world. 

The three freedom-focused ministries we support are:

  • International Justice Mission
    • IJM is a global organization partnering with local justice systems to end slavery and violence against people living in poverty.
  • The Voice of the Martyrs
    • VoM is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world.
  • Prison Fellowship
    • PF serves all those affected by crime and incarceration, and to see lives and communities restored in and out of prison.

We truly believe that freedom is one of God's greatest gifts and most important blessings.  We remain committed to our stance of "no compensation" and are excited to think about all we can do in supporting these ministries.  Your support of Acadia makes this possible.  Thank you!

The Future

The pandemic may have forever altered how we view work and home life.  With the help of technology and a revised definition of "normal," we learned that people can run successful businesses from their homes.  This new pandemic context provided the perfect setting for Acadia to launch and grow.  But the future holds many new opportunities:

Office:  Will Acadia always be a home office?  The next step will be leasing a virtual office.  This will allow Acadia to have a business address, and access to traditional meetings spaces.  Although Zoom calls are very efficient and productive, there will be times when Clients will want to meet in person.  We hope to transition to this opportunity in the next few months.

Intern:  Are you hiring more staff?  Acadia will eventually need additional hands to help with Client requests and para-planning support.  I estimate that we're a year or so from that stage, but it is indeed on the horizon.  

Ministry:  Are you expanding the ministry?  I've already given some thought to supporting additional ministries, but that may be some time off in the future.  More directly, we want to transition Acadia from an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation), into a non-profit.  Since we do not receive compensation, it would make more sense to be structured this way in the long run.  The tentative goal for this change is 1 Jan 22.   

As you can see, there is a lot going on behind the scenes at Acadia.  With such great success comes growth, opportunity,  and enhanced services, which we think you will enjoy in the coming year.  The future is bright!

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© 2024 Acadia Financial Services, LLC is an investment advisory firm doing business in the Commonwealth of Virginia and other jurisdictions where exempt.
Website by Raphael Duran
Acadia Financial Services, LLC
Fairfax, Virginia
[email protected](571) 444-8696
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